Sunday, June 22, 2014

What am I doing?

I had a blog at one time. I enjoyed sharing the little things that went on in our little world. When you write a blog you tend to start looking at every normal routine day a little differently. The things that you see or do every day start to look differently through other peoples eyes. The things that maybe we didn't appreciate quite as much as we should have. When you start to examine your life and pick out bits and pieces to share on a blog it just gives you a different perspective on all the mundane every day things. I was tackling the junk/craft room the other day (this room was starting to look much like one of the places off of Hoarders!) and I stumbled across a binder full of pages I had printed out from our blog. I smiled so much going through those pages. So many things that had been forgotten. My kids have grown so fast! There is so much that has changed. So many memories that I was able to capture on those pages. So here I am all these years later trying to start a blog again. Part of me is REALLY excited. There is so much crazy in this head of mine that I would like to share! But then there is a huge part of me that is really hesitant. Opening myself up for possible criticism is a very scary thing. There are many things in life that I have missed out on because I was scared to try and be laughed at. Let's just say it is one of my biggest fears. I run things through my head a thousand times to figure out what all the possible outcomes could be. Sad but true. Like now I am sitting here thinking about how someone might be appalled to know that I homeschool my kids after they read the last two paragraphs. I'm sure I haven't used all the correct punctuations and such and I see a lot of red squiggly lines under words. I have been out of the school setting for many years and have forgotten most of what I ever learned I'm sure. But we have chose to just handle one day at a time. My kids and I sometimes have to learn things together and I feel that that is okay. Maybe not ideal but ok. But I do sit here and worry about what someone will think or say. On my last blog I had one comment in particular that led to me actually deleting my blog. It hurt and I was so upset about some anonymous persons opinion on how we were living our lives that I decided to call it quits. Silly I guess but I was just so afraid that it was kind of like seeing a mouse......if you see one there are twenty more hiding. So did that mean there could possibly be that many people that didn't like the things that I did?! Oh boy did I have to do some breathing exercises after that little thought. Lol. I'm opening up my heart again. I might regret it one of these days but I really hope that I don't. I want to be able to share our lives and all my crazy thoughts with other people. I want to be able to keep track of all that is going on around here. Life is just passing by so quickly! I'm hoping with this blog it will give me something to hold onto so this crazy ride doesn't sling me plumb off it! Be patient with me. I will try to get some pictures loaded up and some updates coming soon! Thank you for stopping by!

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