Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Funny Farm

So I might have hinted here or there about animals around here but figured we should just do a list and some pictures. It is quite the funny farm around here at times! Lol. So here we go.....

First off there is Angel. She is one of the oldest residents around here. She is totally and completely Sissy's dog. She is a German Shepherd that weighs in at a whopping 107 lbs!

Next up would be Henry. You have already been introduced to him a bit. He is what they call a Bully. He is an absolute mess. Somehow he has completely won over those who can see past him being a jerk. Lol. He has a bad habit of being a jerk to people until they show that they don't believe all of his bologna. But I can tell you that absolutely no one will come into his house that he doesn't want to! He is also pretty lazy. He doesn't want to be messed with before 10am. Lol. Literally, most of the time he hides back there on my bed as long as he can. He is also a MAJOR blanket baby. He HAS to have a blanket to lay on no matter what time of day or what the weather is. He is Sweethearts dog although Sweetheart says he doesn't like dogs and could care less about having one. You should see them get in the floor and wrestle! I don't know who has more fun, him or the dog!

The newest addition to the canine variety is Echo. She was listed at the shelter as an American Pit Bull Terrier. I can see that in her as I have owned one of the original APBT (which are completely different than what most people associate as a Pit Bull) but I'm also pretty sure she has some Dalmatian or something in her. Now that her fur is thinning for summer she is covered in black spots. Lol. She is my girl and goes everywhere with me. She is pretty high strung but you can guarantee that she is always ready and willing to go! Unlike Henry! Oh and she LOVES her pretties! You go to get a collar or bandana and she comes running and sits pretty waiting for you to put them on. It hilarious!

I can't find pics but there are two cats around here too. Lightning is the oldest resident here and is now 7 years old. He is Sissy's cat and used to love to hunt and bring back all kinds of yucky goodies that you would step on! Now that he has gotten older the only thing he hunts is the food dish. The other cat running around is Crybaby. We got her shortly after moving to the farm and she is just as bad as Lightning. They now hunt the food dish together.

As I mentioned before we have multiple rabbits. We use them to sale or for meat for our family. But we still enjoy playing with the babies! We have a doe right now that has 10 babies at a time! Talk about multiplying!

A month or so ago we ventured away from the usual furry family members and added a reptile to the mix! Introducing Mushu the bearded dragon.....

He is just a baby and has a lot of growing to do. He will end up being close to 2 ft long!

And just because we don't really do the whole normal animal thing we also have an African Clawed Frog. We named him Froglet and he is a completely aquatic frog and he will eat out of your hands. It is pretty neat. He is just a baby right now too. We got him some friends to hang out with him in his aquarium. There are 5 tetras (Froglet will eventually eat them but it won't be until he gets a lot bigger) and a snail named Escargot. Lol

Oh! And then there is Beta. He is a beta fish. Lol. Not real original with names around here but when you have to name as many animals as we do you start grasping for straws!

I think that I already mentioned Bluebell the milk cow. There are also several more cows but we will just leave it at that. And yes, they all have names!

Well, everyone is ready for bed around here.

Be back soon with some more pics and updates that I hopefully won't bore you to death with!

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